Friday, March 13, 2009

Lucy's Stories

Lucy was crying in her sleep so I gently woke her. She told me she was having a sad dream: There was a family of little people living in a house this big (showing with her finger a teeny tiny circle) they were really small and they could get into their little house. One day the Big Daddy in the big house with a green face put the little people outside and they couldn't get back in. I told her that was sad, and that I was sorry that happened....I later told her Dad in front of her about her dream and she then added...but the Daddy let them back in and it was all ok.....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Kew Gardens

One of my friends from college, Carol had a friend who was also living in London temporarily. Our schedules didn't match up until right before she was heading back to the states but we were able to enjoy a lovely day at Kew Gardens together. The Tropical Extravaganza was going on while we were there. We were able to see so many beautiful tropical plants much of which were Orchids...not that exotic seeing as you can get them in all major grocery stores these days. Lucy really enjoyed the huge cat fish in one of the hot houses....watched in for quite a while! There was an indoor play area which Lucy loved as well.